Promoters and booking agents!  If you have a suitable show or event that you think we would fit with, we'd love to hear from you. However, there are a few things to note.  If any of the following points are true of your way of doing things, then we kindly request that you do not waste our time or yours:

  • You put on shows with a bunch of unrelated artists picked entirely at random, with no thought to the curating of an event with some semblance of aesthetic continuity.
  • You think putting on more than four bands in one evening (when the show is supposed to start at 7pm) is a good idea.  To be honest, even four bands in one night is asking for chaos, but we've been asked to perfom on bills with five or six artists all in one evening! This is clearly stupid and does not make for an enjoyable event for anyone.
  • Your idea of “promotion” is a few instagram posts.  We may be quite obscure, with a small following, but we work very hard in the run-up to any show we perform with regular posts to our mailing list, social media accounts, as well as informing as many radio shows, blogs and other outlets as we possibly can. We sometimes even get out and hand out flyers, the old fashioned way. We expect you, as the promoter, to at least do the same, if not more.
  • You ask people at the door “what band have they come to see”.  This just creates a sense of unnecessary competition between the artists, is frankly baffling for audience members, and (assuming this is your basis for payment) means that bands are rewarded for how effectively they can convince all their mates to show up, rather than for their actual effort in performing. It instantly marks your event as being an amateurish shit-show. Please do not do this.

Rant over. Almost. If you can confidently guarantee that none of the above apply to your promotion company or agency, if you have good taste and an ear for curating a well thought-out event, and if you like our music, then please do get in touch with us at bookings@actualsizemusic.org.uk or via our Contact Form here https://theshiningtongues.com/contact

Despite the ranting on this page, you will find us courteous, professional, punctual and polite.  We aim to radiate nothing but universal love.